Friday 25 November 2011

Methods of Internet adverting. How to advertise websites. Which are the best?

(PRWEB) November 14, 2003

General guide

Latest information

All information on these pages are for guidance only.

Notes: (28 Sept 2003) Google state that they have 3,307,998,701 web pages and receives more than 200 million search queries a day, more than half of which come from outside the United States. Peak traffic hours to are between 6 a.m. and noon PST, when more than 2,000 search queries are answered a second. So you could estimate the odds of any site being found. These odds depend on your site content and the Keywords/Phrases people searching on at any particular time. Other search engines have different numbers of websites and people using that search engine. Some Search Engines feed their results into other Search Engines.

Notes: On most Search Engines Paid for listings distort these odds and the chances of sites being found. Therefore; a good listing of any website does not indicate a link to a good website.

Notes: Search engines sometimes change the rules about which websites they list and how they are listed. Different search engines may use different methodologies for listing websites, one method may work well with one engine but not so well with another. Even Paid listing rules have been known to change with very little warning.

Think about your audience; that is who you need to view your website. Some search engine may make a charge to list your site in other countries, this may sound good but is your site in that countries language, are you able to accept payment from there and can you deliver, (if so are there extra charges or laws to consider). Ask yourself why pay for traffic from abroad when you don't plan to make any sales there. Who is your target audience? Younger age group or more mature? Male or Female, Lower economic status or higher. Are you targeting a particular profession?

Ask yourself who you think is going to be more likely to subscribe to your e-zine, download your trial software, purchase your product...? Someone who has read a short description of your site and decides to click to your site out of their own curiosity and interest? OR someone who is forced to view your site automatically? The answer must surely be someone who has read a short description of your site and decides to click to your site out of their own curiosity and interest? This is one of the main reasons that some of the advertising methods below are not recommended.

Advice: Don't expect instant results. Possibly offer discounts for people who have used the website so that you are able to gauge the success of any campaign. Internet users are hoping for some form of saving and a discount would help encourage them in making a purchase. Use the Internet to advertise. Your competition is using the internet to improve their Brand Image so you need to do likewise. Do some Market Research before paying for larger amounts of advertising. Check your Traffic log files to find out if the method you chose is providing the levels of unique visitors and returning customers you expect to obtain. Give a method time to generate Traffic.


Traffic & Targeted Traffic

Traffic; this is the term given to the number of times your website is accessed.

Targeted Traffic; When a person searches on a Keyword they find your site listing if your site relates to that Keyword. For example using Excite to search on Compare Bargains ( will list our site relating to compare bargains. Site relating to totally different products should not be displayed. This has a number of advantages:-

The user finds the item they are looking for quicker and easier.

The user is more likely to click on that link because they have found a related product to there search.

Targeted Traffic may also apply to e-zines or emails. The e-zines or email, (generally not recommended), is only sent to opt-in users who are known to have an interest in the e-zines or emails product or service. Also Pop-ups, banners and other methods listed could be Targeted, only displayed when the user is searching a site for that type of product or service.

Some Traffic measurement methods may state the number of Hits you may expect. Hits may mean the number of times the server accesses an each individual item on your page. Example, say a website page has 10 separate graphics on it, each visitor to that page will account for 10 hits. So if you were you are lead to believe that you are getting 1,000 Hits per day this actually equates to just 100 visitors. You need to know the number of unique visitors and returning customers.

Traffic is not Sales. Visitors may view your site, (a visit you may have to pay for), but may not make a purchase. They may wish to visit your site a number of times before buying. This is something you may need to consider before advertising.

Advise: Do some Market Research before paying for larger amounts of advertising. Check your Traffic log files to find out if the method you chose is providing the levels of unique visitors and returning customers you expect to obtain. Give a method time to generate Traffic.


Keyword & Keyword Phrases

Words and/or phrases that relate to your product or service that people are likely to search for.

Advise: Do some Market Research. There could be a lot of competition for popular Keywords. To use such popular Keywords could therefore be expensive. Depending on the level of the budget you are able to spend and the levels of Traffic you wish to obtain consider similar but less expensive Keywords. Consider Exchanging Links with sites which use the Keywords you would like to use.


Spam is the term given to junk email.

If you have used a use a separate email account to try to reduce the receipt of spam emails but you still get them. This is because spammers are able to guest your email from your website name, or use harvesting to get your email. This could be a sign that your website is being found.

Spammers are willing to sell your email to other spammers and so the level of spam you receive may increase.

All you can do is try to filter out such spam. Do not request to opt-out as this may be used to show spammers that your email is working.

You may see an option to remove your email address from a spam email list. We recommend that you do NOT use this option. Some spammers use this method to demonstrate that the email address used works and is worth posting even more spam, junk mail, to. They may, probably will, sell your email address on to other spammers who will also sent spam to your email. This increases the spam even more.

You may use software, some free, to help filler out spam emails. View links to Freeware, Shareware. Perl, CGI, Java, web masters tools, etc. Small and quick shareware to download.

If is also possible to Spam Search Engines by submitting web pages too often, different search engines may have different policies. The average level is about once a month, anymore than this should be avoided.

Advise: Don’t use this method to try to promote your website.



There are computer programs which are able to search the internet for websites with email addresses and then send spam emails to these addresses. As with any spam these methods may get you banded by your host.

Advise: Don’t use this method to try to promote your website.


Opt-In E-Mail or Safe Lists and other Bulk E-Mail methods (Spam)

The email address used to post to have given their permission, opt-in or so called Safe Lists, to receive e-mails. This often occurs when people, or more usually software, submit websites to FFA, free for all, sites to be listed. Most people who give emails either use a dummy e-mail address or when the emails are received they're automatically filtered to the trash bin and therefore never read. These email addresses may also use a system which replies back to you with junk mail, more spam, about their own websites.

Some people have to pay, at least on-line telephone time, to receive these emails. So there has been some discussion to make these methods illegal.

Software programs and other methods set up by many ISPs are able to block Safe List, opt-in emails. This may be done with out informing the emailer so that the emailer is paying for emails that never get delivered. More people are campaigning against spam techniques and more people are willing to report such tactics.

Email Marketing is claimed to be one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to promote your products and services. For the numbers posted too this could be true. The problem is that most emails will probably never be read and will just be deleted. This is just like binning your money.

People change there minds and their interests so even a good quality opt-in list may prove problematic if posted to too often or is if not kept upto date.

Advise: Don’t use this method to try to promote your website. New anti-Spam legalisation is being introduced and you may find your self facing legal action. A lot of Hosting or ISP companies will remove websites that use these methods.



The term Ezines comes from Electronic magazine. Like magazines they should be about a particular subject with good content which is of interest to the user.

There are some quite good ezines which do provide useful information to users.

The problem is that there are also a lot of poor quality ones which are very similar to spam emails and mainly just list a number of websites without any meaningful content. Some systems post these ezines out far too often and as with Opt-In E-Mail, Safe Lists and other Bulk E-Mail methods (Spam) they may never be read because they are automatically deleted.

Ezines tend to email HTML pages which appear like a website in a users email inbox. These ezines can be quite large and users may not like this method if they are paying for telephone time to receive them. Also some email accounts are able to block emails that are over a certain size.

Advice: May be worthwhile if a good quality ezine that provides meaningful contents to the reader, which is not too large and which is not sent too often will probably be more effective than other email methods. Note Opt-In E-Mail or Safe Lists and other Bulk E-Mail methods (Spam) above.


Banner Advertisements

These have some potential however they usually won't generate high levels of traffic and they take a while design and implement. Banners may be more important in the way they may subliminally suggested the message to viewers. The more people see a product the safer they feel about buying that product at a later date.

Banners may cause pages to load slower and this may prevent some people viewing the site displaying the banner.

Advice: This could be worthwhile. May not produce be immediate results, or website results, (could encourage off-line sale more).


Text link exchange

Some site are willing to add a text link to you in return for a text link back to them. This should be more effective that banners. This increases the number of places a link to your website may be found by both search engines and people and should help improve your search engine ranking and traffic.

The website you have exchanged links with will probably be trying to generate traffic to their page. This increases the places and chances of your link being found.

Text, may sometimes, be modified to fit your site content better.

Our Reciprocal Links, Banner exchange, Link exchange information Yes we will swap links for a good link back.

See what Google's website say about links

Advice: This is worthwhile if you are willing to add good links back on your site. Exchanging links can improve your rating with some search engines and improve traffic to your site. Also Generally this option is free.


Pop-Ups, Exit or otherwise.

A pop-up is the term given to when an extra window which opens while the user is viewing a website or just after a user leaves a website i.e. exit pop-us. While these may be used to provide important information to a user some websites may use far too many pop-ups resulting in the user having to close many pop-up messages. This usually results in users not reading such pop-up messages and becoming annoyed. Software exists which will help prevent pop-up being displayed. If you pay for pop-up's each one will generate a click to you which you will pay for. Users will hardly ever follow the pop-up to your site because as soon as they see the pop-up loading they will close it. This generates false hits, as the pop-up is loaded and close, false hit which you pay for. As the Pop-Up loads you pay for that click but the visitor just closes the Pop-Up without visiting your main site. It is our view most Internet users just find them totally irritating and annoying. They just close the pop up window without evening reading it. The user is left alienated to the site serving the Pop Up and may never access the site again.

What does a Pop-Up or Fly-In Ad Look Like? These can be made to appear as a user loads a page, after a time delay or after a users has closed the page.


Advice: We don't recommend this method. Only use Pop-Ups to provide important information to users. This method may get initial traffic put user off going on sites in the longer term.


Fly Ads.

These are a type of Pop-Up, (see above), which moves across the users display.

It is our view most Internet users just find them totally irritating and annoying. They just close the, (Fly Ad), pop up window without evening reading it. The user is left alienated to the site serving the Pop Up and may never access the site again.

We believe Fly ads are even more irritating than normal Pop Ups.

What does a Pop-Up or Fly-In Ad Look Like? These can be made to appear as a user loads a page, after a time delay or after a users has closed the page.


Advice: We don't recommend this method. Only use Pop-Ups to provide important information to users. This method may get initial traffic put user off going on sites in the longer term.


Windows Messenger Service.

Windows Messenger Service is able to send messages to people. This was meant for the Systems Administrator to send alerts to users. For example that the network was closing down for back up of files.

Their is software available which claims to be able to use Windows Messenger Service to send messages, (could be used for adverts), to anyone who has Windows Messenger Service.

These messenger alerts appear like Pop-Ups on the users display. )Although hyperlinks are not possible, so far as I know).

To stop these alerts:- (This may stop all messengers including those from the Systems Administrator).

Advice: We don't recommend this method. Only use Windows Messenger Service to provide important information to users.


Free For All, FFA, sites. Submission to. (see below)

Free For All sites, of which they are many thousands, allow users to place a description and link to their website for free. These sites list a limited number of links. As newer links are posted older ones are removed. Their are programs which are able to submit descriptions and links to Free For All site. These sites are termed as high traffic because so many links are being posted to them, tens of thousands, by software. Your description and link may only be displayed for only a short time before being rotated off the site as new sites are posted. The main point of these Free For All sites is not to provide a link to you but to email you with advertising when you supply your details. This is counted as Opt-in emails an one method that Opt-In E-Mail or Safe Lists and other Bulk E-Mail methods use to send emails to you.

Free For All sites are sometimes known as reverse advertising because they are not their to advertise you but to advertise there own products or services when they email you. These sites are not usually visited by real people but only by the software which posts details to them. Sometimes real people may view there pages to see if their own site has been listed and could if your timing is lucky see your link. Reverse Marketing is the term giving the FFA pages because these site are not really there to promote your website but to promote the products and service of the FFA website owner when they email you. Your email details may be sold to other services increasing Spam to your email. Sometimes some search engines will find FFA temporary links to your site. This may help increase link popularity to your site. Some FFA sites are better than others.

Some FFA sites don't even display pages, I assume this is because too many submissions are being made for the bandwidth of the site. Some FFA sites require conformation of your email address before they will list your site.

Returning emails may be posted as soon as you suggest a site or after sometime after.

Advice: We don't recommend this method. (Sites related to increasing website traffic are probably more likely you produce results). Although May be used but make sure you use a separate email account which is automatically deletes all emails to it. The Spam emails you get will increase if you submit to FFA sites even if you use a separate email account. Use a program such as Traffic Seeker which is able to post to lots of FFA pages as well as to the Major Search Engines.

You are not likely to receive any significant Traffic using this method of listing your sites. Not many actual people visit them and your link may only be displayed for a few minutes before being rotated off the list. You may get a few visits, if you submit to every day via the scheduler in Traffic Seeker Their are so many FFA sites that Traffic Seeker is probably the best way to submit to them automatically. You need to set up a junk email account say with Yahoo or Hotmail. Use this when submitting to FFA websites. This will need emptying from time to time, set filters to delete all emails except any you wish to confirm. The amount of Spam you receive, (even to none Junk email addresses), will increase because of techniques such as harvesting emails. Once a day is the normal level of submitting to FFA sites.

FFA links don't give much benefits in improving traffic to your website, most FFA links are manly used to email you with you with advertising emails. There main purpose than to collect your email address, which they may sell to other advertisers. They may also place your email on opt-in list or so called safe lists.

Most, not all, search engines don't list FFA sites and the temporary nature of links will probably not help website ranking.


Reverse Marketing. Free For All, FFA, sites. (see above)

Free For All sites are sometimes known as reverse advertising because they are not their to advertise you but to advertise there own products or services when they email you. These sites are not usually visited by real people but only by the software which posts details to them. Sometimes real people may view there pages to see if their own site has been listed and could if your timing is lucky see your link. Reverse Marketing is the term giving the FFA pages because these site are not really there to promote your website but to promote the products and service of the FFA website owner when they email you. Your email details may be sold to other services increasing Spam to your email.

Advice: We do not recommend this method. Do not use a FFA sites to send advertising, spam, to users. Some hosts do not allow this an will remove your account if done. You will require a large bandwidth because of the automatic nature of submissions. Most emails will be ignored anyway. Your business will get a poor reputation. Note OptIn E-Mail or Safe Lists and other Bulk E-Mail methods (Spam) above.


Classifieds Sites

Some methods may be used to post links to thousands of these Classifieds Sites. Real people do sometime visit these Classifieds Sites. With our Traffic Seeker method we still post to these sites because a small number of people still use them. Some of these people may visit your site. As with Free For All, FFA, sites posting to these may generate emails back to you which contain advertising.

Advice: Might as well use this method as it does not cause any major problems but make sure you use a separate email account which is automatically deletes all emails to it.


Search Engines (Yahoo, Goggle, Alta Vista, etc)

Search engines continue to be one of the major forces on the internet. Most internet users have of the major search engines. There are thousands of websites competing for the same keywords. To get any large amount of traffic from these sites you may need to be listed in the first or second page. Campaigns to achieve this can be very expensive in time and money.

Please note that it is still worth while to submit to such websites using our methods because even a lower listing should generate some traffic to your site.

Becoming more an more expensive as search engines charges increase. Some of these major search engines are using the Pay per Click system to generate an income and stay in profit. Some may require a payment per year to list you.

Advice: An absolute must if you wish your website to be found. If you are not listed by any search engines then the chances of anyone finding you are very remote. Traffic Seeker is able to submit to all the Major Search Engines. Some search engines may only direct traffic to the language or country relating to the website. It is also possible to Spam Search Engines by submitting web pages too often, different search engines may have different policies. The average level is about once a month, (anymore than this should be avoided), Traffic Seeker will help avoid this. Also view the General guide.


Submission to Major Search Engines

The number of site and the actual site submitted to may vary from time to time.

As with all submission methods, submission of sites may not be accepted by all engines. For example some engines are country specific. Also it may take some time and a number of submissions before search engines list a site. No guarantee can be given that search engines or other places will list a site using this method but most sites will be accepted if they are within the rules of a search engines or other places .

Advice: An absolute must if you wish your website to be found. If you are not listed by any search engines then the chances of anyone finding you are very remote. Traffic Seeker is able to submit to all the Major Search Engines. Some search engines may only direct traffic to the language or country relating to the website. It is also possible to Spam Search Engines by submitting web pages too often, different search engines may have different policies. The average level is about once a month, (anymore than this should be avoided), Traffic Seeker will help avoid this.


Pay per Clicks

Usually a type of search engine which charges an amount for every time a person clicks on your link. You bid on the Keywords that you wish to people to find your product or service under. When a user searches using for these Keywords they will see a listing and brief description of your site. You will only pay if that user decides to click on your description and follow the link to your actual site. Remember that the user has searched on Keywords that relate to your site and seen your description. This indicates that they have least have an interest in your products and service. Different amounts may be bid on different Keywords and large numbers of Keywords may be used, so long as they relate to you product or service.

You have a lot of control over how high you wish to be listed for each Keyword. You may start or stop at any time. Requires a non-refundable deposit. You will bid against other users for Keywords so the amount you pay for popular Keywords may be expensive, remember you will pay this every time someone follows your link. Some advertisers may make higher biding to try to discourage competition. Some sites advertise prices as low as 1cent, (US dollars), per click but because of the biding process to be listed higher the realistic charges per click could be much higher e.g. $ 2.00 to $ 5.00 per click on popular keywords.

Advice: Becoming a must do. (Even major some search engines use some form of this method). We recommend this method because of the level of control. Could result in some Click Fraud. PPC can turn out to be very expensive because other users are bidding so high to also improve brand image. When submitting to pay-per-click search engines, it is important to keep in mind that you pay for every click-through. Therefore it is recommended that keywords, title and description relate to your site and the products or services you sell in order to avoid irrelevant clicks.


Affiliate marketing Pay per Performance or Pay per Action

With this method you pay if a customer actually purchases a product or service from you. Usually this is commission based say 5% to 50% of the product or service price. This sound great and we think this method is one of the better ones. The main problem is that it usually requires a large non-refundable deposit and an amount to be paid to the service which implements the service for every time someone follows a banner or link to your site. Takes a lot to implement the tracking code and payment which is reflected in the deposit required. This method can be very effective for people with a lot of products or service which users are likely to purchase. This method is known also as affiliate marketing, pay-for-performance advertising or performance-based advertising. This method is known a affiliated marketing, because of the tracking code used to link to your site this method may not increase your website ranking which could be improved because of links to your site.

Advice: Use if you have a high turnover. As it could be very costly. Could result in some Click Fraud.


Off-Line Advertising

People still read newspapers and magazines. They still watch television and listen to the radio. If you use this method it may take a lot of advertising to increase your brand image. Can take time to implement. Don't discount it though because the famous Yahoo search engine has been known to sponsor television programs and advertise at football matches. Some options; Advertising hoardings, billboards, busses (inside and out), pens and other gifts.

Advice: Display your website address at every opportunity; emails, letters (inside and out), on cars or vans, etc. Use paid methods if you have a high turnover. As it could be very costly. Avoid Fly Posters and other dubious methods you could face legal action.


Viral Traffic

Using any method that encourages people to pass details of your website, products and services. This strategy has resulted in exponential growth for some websites, (although this is quite rare). One person tells 2 people, those 2 tell 4, those 4 tell 16 and so on; growing extremely rapidly.

Claiming to offer payment, or other rewards to people who pass on the information. Sounds like a Pyramid scheme to me. Could involve a lot more work than implied. A few people to join under you because you will earn a % of the traffic they send or others under them send. If you join the programs and then send a few people to join under you, you could easily have a clamed 100,000+ page views of your web page EVERY WEEK or even EVERY DAY the more people you have join under you the better you will do!!

Advice: We cannot recommend this method. May work if you have the time to and ability to convince other to join. It could be very time consuming. Could be only short lived, i.e. a website about a particular major news event. Pyramid scheme could be illegal.


MLM, Multi-Level Marketing

A combination of different marketing techniques. Most of those listed above.

Advice: May be useful if you have a very high turnover and large product range. As it could be very costly and has resulted in some bad press for this reason.


Click Fraud

This occurs when a website receives invalid clicks on paid listings. This may be done by a competitor or individual who has no intention of using your services. This is done with the sole purpose of costing you money or financial harm. Click Fraud may occur from competing advertisers or simply individuals just wanting to harm or frustrate others. There is some form of monetary predation on all engines. Most advertisers experience some form of click fraud, even if on very low levels. Software may also be used to try to simulate clicks and cost money. Note that some potential customers will may wish to view your site an number of times before making a purchase. Each time they view your site you may be charged for that click.

Advice: Watch your Traffic Logs for signs of fraud for example repeated clicks from on user and no purchases. Most search engines use special programming code to prevent repeated erroneous clinks to prevent Click Fraud.


Doorway Page Sites

A doorway page is a page designed to try to get a high ranking, more optimised for ranking, with search engines. This pages link to the main site.

Advice: Not recommended for main search engine listings, as some search engines are able to spot this methods and block the site. Traffic Seeker is able to produce doorway pages for your site. These doorway pages could be useful for listing on FFA, Free For All, sites.


Content Doorway Pages Cross Population Traffic Producer

Click here to find out a way round this, a way that is very likely to get you listed.

Advice: Recommended for search engine listings. Will provide links back to your sites. You have control over content etc. Will cost for hosting of new website, website name, maintenance and promotion.



A method of using dynamic software into automatically trying to fool search engines in to believing their are more links, and similar to doorway page more optimised for ranking, than if a person loads the page.

Advice: Not recommended as some search engines are able to spot this methods and block the site.


Meta Tags

Meta Tags: These are not displayed to the user. Some search engines may still use these to help find that page.

Advice: Recommended use Meta Tags. Some search engines may still use them. Only ever use relevant Meta Tags that relate to your web page. They should never be abused or over used. Traffic Seeker is able to produce, insert and upload the meta tags for your website. Meta Tag use by search engines are used less because of PPC and other paid method. Some search engines don't rely on meta tags much because they don't trust the information in them.



Although any competition is only a click away and the levels of that competition is extremely high people who use the internet generally like to use the internet as a form of research before purchasing for this very reason.

Advice: Use the Internet to advertise. Your competition is using the internet to improve their Brand Image so you need to do likewise.


ROI, Return On Investment

If you pay for advertising then you would like to see some ROI, Return On Investment. This is say if you pay $ 50.00 then you would hope to generate say $ 25.00 extra profit i.e. a turn over of $ 75.00.

It should be noted that any extra profits may not only occur just from any direct sales on a website. A number of sales may occur because customers contact you directly after they have found out about your products and services via the website.

To establish your website and to become known, increase your Brand Image, you may have to be willing to make a loss on advertising at first, could be used as a Loss Leader.

Banner Advertising are usually priced per thousand impressions with a low click through rate.

Email marketing usually priced per thousand, or even claimed million, with a low click through rate. (May receive a negative reaction).

Pay Per Click may cost $ 0.05, or more, per click. Only pay for a click, not a sale. Some may have a minimum required click through rate and therefore cost.

Pay per Performance or Pay per Action: Affiliate marketing will probably cost even more than Pay Per Click. This method is likely to get your website linked to, (not just on search engines), to and clicked on from more websites, because you pay commission to that website for a sale.

Advice: Don't expect instant results. Possibly offer discounts for people who have used the website so that you are able to gauge the success of any campaign. Internet users are hoping for some form of saving and a discount would help encourage them in making a purchase. Remember that some advertising is more subliminal e.g. Banners may not get many clicks but the message may be noticed. Traffic is not Sales. Visitors may view your site, (a visit you may have to pay for), but may not make a purchase. They mat wish to visit your site a number of times before buying. This is something you may need to consider before advertising. Do some Market Research before paying for larger amounts of advertising.


Useful Links

Compare Bargains Internet Advertising, Website advertising and promotion. Internet Marketing. Internet, Web tools, Traffic, Hosting links. Internet, internet directory, internet provider, internet marketing, internet service, cheap internet, internet service provider, broadband internet, web tool, web master tool, web design tool, web site tool, web site management tool, traffic, web site traffic, increase traffic, hosting, web site hosting, web page hosting, cheap web hosting, unix hosting, ftp hosting, domain hosting, domain hosting, web hosting services, seo, (search engine optimisation) company, internet marketing, web site marketing, web marketing, advertise online. This site has lots of advertising links to sites which indicate special offers, discounts and bargains and therefore allows you to choose from and compare any special deals.

Traffic Seeker

The automatic program. Posts to 800,000 places including all the Major Search Engines like Yahoo, Google, Excite, Hotbot, AltaVista, Lycos, InfoSeek, Directhit, Splat, Northernlight, Whatuseek, Webcrawler, Scrubtheweb, Rex, Overture, Infomak, Searchit, Snooper, Searchcity, Voila, Canada, Anzwers. PLUS lot's of other places >>>> Make Doorway pages. Rank checking and more... Free updates. Program details of how to Automatically achieve this while you sleep...

Freeware, shareware and software links. Perl, CGI, Java, web masters tools, etc. Computer languages and Programming code. Other website promotion and traffic boosting. More Webmaster tools. Small and quick shareware to download.

Traffic Seeker

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