Friday 25 November 2011

King Kong Gets a Character Score of 59 from Discovery Journey

Austin, TX (PRWEB) March 28, 2006 -

King Kong is now available on DVD and video and although it carries an MPAA: PG-13 rating with frightening adventure violence and some disturbing images, parents may still wonder if it is appropriate to rent or purchase for their pre-teen or teenagers sleepover.

Discovery Journey takes the guess work out of these ratings by evaluating the content of childrens books and movies for positive and negative examples of the following ten traits: self-discipline, compassion, responsibility, friendship, work, courage, perseverance, honesty, loyalty, and faith. The more strongly a book or movie presents these values-oriented messages, the higher it scores. Points are deducted for negative behavioral influences, such as violence, bad language, nudity, sexual content, scary elements, and the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The result is a Character Score, ranging from zero to 100 that parents can use to select media that have integral values messages.

The result of the recent movie review generated a Character Score of 59 as follows:

Character Traits

Self-Discipline: 4 Stars

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