Friday 25 November 2011

Sears Started Selling Gene-Eden-VIR, the Antiviral, Natural Remedy

(PRWEB) September 04, 2011

In an interview with Will Blesch from polyDNA, the CBCD has learned that this week Sears started selling Gene-Eden-VIR, polyDNA's flagship product. Sears is the nation's fourth largest retailer with approximately 4,000 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United States and Canada. Sears sells Gene-Eden-VIR through its online catalog.

The 1943 Sears News Graphic wrote that the Sears catalog, "serves as a mirror of our times, recording for future historians todays desires, habits, customs, and mode of living. The roots of the Sears catalog are as old as the companyand polyDNA could not be happier to be associated with such a well-known, reliable source of goods.

For over two years, Gene-Eden-VIR has been marketed online through the Gene-Eden website and through The product line is also now available through Sears with plans to expand even further through various other online platforms.

Gene-Eden-VIR is the first all natural remedy scientifically designed to help your own body maintain low concentrations of latent (chronic) viruses such as the Human Papilloma virus (HPV), the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV, the Herpes Simplex family of viruses, and Hepatitis (HBV) and (HCV).

polyDNA understands that whenever a breakthrough product like Gene-Eden-VIR begins moving in the marketplace, the questions on everyones minds are whether the product is safe, affordable, and effective.

Each of these questions is easily answered.

Gene-Eden-VIR is very safe. In over two years of use, there have been no reported side effects. Each capsule contains a patented formula of five all natural ingredients including selenium, camellia sinesis extract, quercetin, cinnamomum extract, and licorice extract. In addition, each bottle is GMP Certified.

This antiviral supplement is also highly affordable. In order to save money and pass savings on to our customers, Gene-Eden-VIR is sold exclusively online and is just $ 34.99. Thats roughly a dollar or so a day.

Gene-Eden-VIR is also highly effective against latent viruses; each ingredient was selected through a scientific approach. PolyDNA scientists scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals around the world in order to identify the safest, most effective natural ingredients that target the latent (chronic) viruses most likely to cause disease.

These scientific papers on the ingredients of Gene-Eden-VIR can be easily accessed on, and a select few can be found on the Gene-Eden website at

"Gene-Eden combines several proven substances that work harmoniously to help boost the bodys own immune system or have other antiviral properties. The scientific data with regard to the immune enhancing and antiviral properties published in reputable sources on each individual compound in the Gene-Eden formula is impressive. Use of this product clearly has scientific merit based on published material." Dr. Norman Cohen, M.D.

Gene-Eden VIR can be purchased on, and now through!

Please visit the new Gene-Eden page on the Sears Catalog by copying and pasting the following link into your browser:

To learn more about Gene-Eden-VIR, the only product on the market today that helps the body maintain low concentrations of latent (chronic) viruses and that is scientifically backed by published material, or to schedule an interview with a polyDNA scientist, please visit or call 585-250-9999.

John S. Boyd, Ph.D.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD, is a research center recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. The mission of the CBCD is to advance the research on the biology of chronic diseases, and to accelerate the discovery of treatments for these diseases. The CBCD published the Purple book by Dr. Hanan Polansky. The book presents Dr. Polanskys highly acclaimed scientific theory on the relationship between the DNA of latent (chronic) viruses and the onset of chronic diseases. Dr. Polanskys book is available as a free download from the CBCD website.


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