Friday 25 November 2011

College Seniors Mess Up Their Resumes, According to Career Assessment Book

La Jolla, CA (PRWEB) January 4, 2009

"A third of the resumes came with spelling or punctuation errors," according to "LAUNCH!...Get That First Paycheck In 90 Days," a new career assessment book for college seniors. "Twelve percent used obsolete addresses or phone numbers," the book says.

"Most stated objectives that were generic. Some tried to tell so much that their unique characteristics, the truly distinguishing things about them, got lost. A few used unreadable type. Resumes that were emailed often bounced as spam."

The career assessment book is now available at to help college seniors and recent graduates successfully begin their careers. It offers job-finding secrets that too few students know about - because no other career assessment books reveal them. LAUNCH! includes:

A career assessment quiz that shows how the student's job skills and attitudes compare to college seniors nationwide, and what career paths their unique traits suggest.
How to find job openings before they're advertised.
How to triple resume responses.
Proven networking tactics.
How to interview better.
Why and Craigslist are time traps for recent graduates.
How a weekend project can make the student a top candidate for their chosen position.
Finally, LAUNCH! outlines a 90 day schedule for getting that first job.

If downloaded from the website in PDF format, this 339 page career assessment book costs $ 8.63 -- less than the price of a pizza. It's also available as a paperback book (for $ 16.23 - free shipping), an audio CD set (for $ 21.33 - free shipping), or a downloadable MP3 audio book ($ 11.74). An unusual money back guarantee is included -- if any college senior doesn't discover a new job search tactic, boost their resume responses, or learn something about themselves that they didn't know before; they get their money back plus one dollar.

"Unlike those fuzzy lectures and expensive textbooks or seductive student loans, this helps graduates actually find that first job," says LAUNCH! author Gary Sutton, a retired CEO who's been involved in advising, hiring, and firing countless employees during his lengthy career.

"This may be the most important book a college senior ever reads," added Dr. Linda Charles, clinical psychologist and former UCLA staffer.

Anxious students and their nervous parents can even sample the guide before buying by reading a few pages or listening to a brief audio clip at

The career assessment quiz in LAUNCH! can also be taken online at It tells college seniors if they'll do better in large or small organizations, among other things. The quiz ranks students' energy, ambition, ethics, status needs, social abilities and fifteen other vocational traits. Results are translated into the best career path.

"Wow! That job quiz nailed me. Without those insights, I'd be waiting tables again," said one Drake grad.

About Career Assessment Book "LAUNCH!...Get That First Paycheck In 90 Days":

LAUNCH is a career guide aimed at college seniors and recent graduates, with more practical, hands-on advice than offered in other career assessment books. It's available in paperback book, downloadable PDF, audio CD set, or downloadable MP3 audio book format at The guide includes an assessment designed to help college students who may be asking "What career should I choose?" The assessment may also be taken as an online quiz at The author of both the book and creator of the quiz, Gary Sutton, is a retired CEO. He's mentored seniors at several colleges and found a disturbing level of confusion and unreal attitudes about the world of work.


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