Friday 25 November 2011 Announces Additional Community-Building Features for Q&A

Melbourne, FL (PRWEB) September 28, 2011 announced a number of new features on its Q&A platform that help companies easily build a user community around their products, services and information. These tools work to secure Q&A as the most effective way to start an online community and drive user interaction.

Answerbase is a user generated question and answer platform, allowing companies of all sizes to add a Q&A community on their site. After a company has added their Q&A community, their visitors are able to ask questions on the site where the companys staff and other users are able to respond with answers to those questions.

Answerbase is announcing features that will enhance the systems ability to turn website visitors into an active community of users. In addition to the core Q&A functionality, Answerbase is announcing the support of category and tag subscriptions as well as public-facing widget builders. These features compliment Q&As natural ability to establish and grow a community, rooted in the ever-growing number of new visitors coming through search engine traffic who become active members in the community.

These features are making it easier than ever for website owners to turn website visitors into a thriving community around their products, services, or websites subject-matter says David Givoni, Co-Founder of

The category and tag subscription feature allows members to identify if they want to answer questions related to specific topics. Once subscribed, the system instantly notifies those users when a new question is posted within those topics. As more and more users subscribe, this feature literally builds an army of knowledgeable experts on every subject who are immediately alerted when new questions are asked. This helps ensure that visitors who ask questions get timely and quality answers.

Public-facing widget builders allow members to easily contribute to the viral growth of the community, as members are able to add widgets to their own websites. Widget builders allow community members to easily customize an ask a question widget, question list widget, or expert list widget and then quickly add those to their site. This draws both traffic and new members to the parent Q&A community, while giving the website owners relevant content and functionality to display on their sites.

These additional tools compliment the Answerbase Q&A systems natural ability to grow the community through sustained growth of search engine traffic. As more questions are posted to the website, each of those questions creates a new page optimized extensively for search. As people are searching for solutions to similar questions through search engines, the Q&A content ranks high in search results and draws new visitors to the Q&A community. This naturally grows the community as an increasing number of visitors become active members, providing one of the most effective ways to build an online community around almost any subject. Websites like have been taking advantage of this system to start and grow their online community;

When looking to engage our visitors and create a community focused on small businesses software, we determined that Answerbases Q&A platform was the most effective way of accomplishing that. Given how foundational asking and answering questions is in communicating about almost any topic, Answerbase Q&A was the perfect tool to initiate user interaction while also creating valuable content. says Christophe, Founder of the business software marketplace

As more and more companies look to discover solutions for creating a loyal community around their products and websites subject-matter, many are finding that adding Answerbase Q&A to their site is the most effective way to do just that.

About allows site owners to create a Q&A site in just a couple minutes, with simple tools making it quick to sign-up and integrate their newly created Q&A site. is a service provided by Lumin Creative, who has been offering knowledge exchange solutions to online communities since 2007. Lumin Creative also provides online solutions in the areas of ticket-based customer support and internal corporate collaboration.

Contact Information

James Arnold

Phone: 201-345-5567

Email: press(at)answerbase(dot)com


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